Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We Survived!

How was your weekend?  Do you know the monstrosities that were happening?  Last Saturday I had a lazy day and stayed inside until about 5 when I went into work to close.  Knowing what I know now, makes me realize that my unconscious MUST have known bad things were happening outside. 

Background: I hate birds more than Nene hates Star.

So, apparently last weekend was International Migratory Bird Day.  Woo...party time.  This info is from some dumb website about holidays that aren't really holidays.

International Migratory Bird Day celebrates the incredible journey that migratory birds (gag) take each year. They travel thousands of miles between breeding grounds in North America, and their winter homes in Central and South America. Organizers say this is a day to both support, and to increase awareness of conservation (bird season, anyone?) efforts in support of migratory birds. They also suggest a field trip into a woods to look for and enjoy migrating birds. (I suggest this if you want to get attacked and die a slow and painful death.)
On each of these Bird Days, we encourage you to take a few minutes (to load your guns) to watch and observe birds, as well as to feed them. (sodium bicarbonate) 

Sooo, if you survived last Saturday and didn't get attacked by these flying devils consider yourself lucky.  
And no, I have not seen "The Birds" by Hitchcock.  There is a better chance for me to sprout my own wings and fly to Canada then for me to watch that movie. 

Vomit City.

Hell to the no.
 Be scared people.  They are forming mean, scary groups and are slowly taking over the world.  Lock your doors and hide your children.

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