Friday, July 29, 2011

I heart July

I love July.  Thus why I am a sucky "blogger" and haven't updated in a lifetime.  I tried doing a super, spectacular, awesomely, fantastic update but my internet is going SO slow.  It's seriously circa 1996 dial up.

Tomorrow will be the California visit update.  Hip! Hip! Hoooorraaay!

Tonight I will pray to the internet Gods that are stupid Comcast and to Bill Gates (he invented it, right?)

P.S. Totally just googled "Who invented the Internet?" Turns out it's this dude:

J. C. R. Licklider, the head of the Information Processing Technology Office, it was his idea.  Then he called up a bunch of friends and they helped make it happen.  I wonder how pissed he is at Al Gore for stealing his thunder.

Dear J.C.R. Licklider, (flows so easily off the tongue) 

Please make my internet speedy so my lovely friends that read this aren't stuck looking at your mug for a week.  

Mmmkay, thanks.

01101011 101, (binary code for "sincerely")

So there you go my friends.  You wanted an update, and you got....that.  Sorry.  But you learned something, possibly, maybe! And if you are ever on Jeopardy and Alex Trebeck says, "He created the internet."  When you beep in just wink to the camera. (andsendme10%ofyourwinnings)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sarah McLachlan Can Suck It

I just want to make this real quick and say, "Eff you, Sarah McLachlan and your ASPCA commercials with your stuuuuuupid 'Arms of the Angel' song in the background."  If I give you your stupid $18 a month will you put happy puppy commercials on my tv?  Okthanx.

While trying to find the horrible, awful, sad, depressing video with dogs who shake, and animals with one eye all stuck behind bars from Alcatraz, I found this instead. It is a MUCH  better (although, unfortunately fake) advertisement in my humble opinion.