Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dear Freaks Who Work Out

Sure all those Doctors and Jackie Warner followers say, "Working out is good for you!" "Working out is fun!"  Let me tell you...nope.  Here is what happened today. 

Alex and I head out to the pool. 
(Actually, this sounds cooler than the whirlwind than it actually was.  Alex looks out the windows, "The clouds are coming!"  I say, "Eff no! SPRAY THE SUNBLOCK AS I TWIRL! SPRAY THE SUNBLOCK AS I TWWWIIIRRRLL!"  Poor, poor Alex. What has he gotten himself into?)

As I was saying....we head out to the pool super casual and cool for about an hour.  On the way back inside Alex decides that he is going to do the "healthy" thing and go on a run. (Mistake #1 for him)  I decide I'm going to sit on my butt to eat some chips and hummus and watch the end of some Real Housewives of Lame-and-Nobody-Cares-County. (Win #1 for me)  Alex returns after his run like he ran into Wayne Arnold from Wonder Years.  His story is that he ran around the block a few times, then decided to do just oooone more.  During one of the last corners he steps on a pine cone and rolls (Sweet baby Jesus, I'm praying it's just a roll/twist/sprain and not a fracture/break). 

This reminds me of the time growing up when my mom tripped over a tree root because we were in some National Forrest and she was looking up and walking.  She tripped and shattered her wrist.  This is not a cool story.  I think that we evolved the story to a bungee jumping accident...and possibly George Clooney was hanging out with us.

So in my mind, Alex is running from a gang of ... gang members.  He sees a stray puppy and runs to grab him, when Wayne Arnold throws a pine cone at him.  No? I'll work on it. 

Long story short: Don't Exercise.  It ruins bones.  Also, stay away from Wayne Arnold. (Win for all of us.)

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